Frequently Asked Questions

How long have you been in business?
We have been working on the behalf of landlords and managers since 1983.

How do I become a member of the Washtenaw Area Apartment Association?
View our membership page or contact our office for an application. After filling out and returning the online or hard copy application with your payment, the Board of Directors will review it at their next meeting and then you will receive a welcome packet in the mail.

What part does the WA3 play in effecting legislation?
Locally, the WA3 represents your position before various municipal boards and councils. In the past, the Association has favorably influenced proposed laws on many subjects including mandatory apartment inspections, refuse pick up, rent control and minimum apartment room sizes and occupancy standards. On a statewide basis, the WA3 works closely with the Property Management Association of Michigan (PMAM) to monitor state legislation. The PMAM employs Kelley Cawthorne, a governmental affairs counseling firm to keep contact with your state 's Senators, Representatives, and the Governor's office. Go to the affiliate link page go directly to Kelley Cawthorne's website and learn more about what they do for us. Nationally, the WA3 has joined forces with the National Apartment Association to work with your Senators and Representatives in Washington. Annually, representative members from WA3 attend the Capital Conference and visit the hill in efforts to explain what is needed in the rental housing industry.

What is the difference between a Property Management Professional and a Business Partner WA3 member?
Our active members represent over 24,000 rental units throughout Washtenaw, Livingston, Lenawee, and Monroe counties. Our Property Professionals range from owners of single-family rentals to large multifamily rental communities and their staff. Our Business Partner members are made up of suppliers and vendors that service the multi-family housing industry.